Our most Frequently Asked Questions are listed below. Topics include online registration, financial-related questions, the Camp experience, and health and safety.
Is there a registration fee or tuition deposit?
Each application must be accompanied 50% deposit of the camp total fee. ​
When can I register for camp?
Hillel Families may begin registering on January 23rd. Registration is open to the community starting February 3rd. Register online 24/7 or email admissions@hillelacademytampa.com.
Can I register after the published start date?
Yes, registration will continue after the published start date until the camp reaches capacity. Space will be limited. Campers may be placed on a waitlist if a camp session is full; spots will be offered sequentially in order of date joined if space becomes available.
What are the payment options?
Camp fees can be paid online via credit card or check. A payment plan can be created if needed. All camp fees must be paid in full by May 13th. If you have questions or need to make special arrangements: Contact Camp Registrar, Stephanie Samuel at 813-963-2242 or ssamuel@hillelacademytampa.com
Can I attend camp if I have outstanding fees on my account?
Any previous school or camp balances must be paid in full prior to acceptance of registration. All registrations paid in cash or check must be paid in full at the time of registration.
Are camp fees refundable?
All camp fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. There is no reduction or refund of any fees due to absence, illness, or voluntary or forced withdrawal.
Am I able to change the weeks my child is attending camp or the group my child is in?
You may change the weeks your child attends camp, but some camp groups are limited to certain ages and cannot be changed. Please see the camp group description to see if your child qualifies for that camp. Any and all changes in registration (including transferring camps or sessions, correcting a registration, or any other programming changes at the parent’s request) after this application is processed will incur a $25 fee, per change, to cover administrative costs.
Do you offer child care before and after camp hours?
Extended care is available in the mornings from 7-8:30 a.m. and the afternoons from 3-6 p.m. The cost per week is $45 for AM and $54 for PM care or $10/hour for drop-in care for Rising K - 6th Grade. Childen age 1 - 4 must register in advance or speak directly to ELC Director.
What are the dates of Camp?
For children aged 12 months (AND walking) through 6th campers can sign up on a weekly basis from June 9 – August 1 depending on the camp run dates. Teens in the CIT program can sign up for a four-week session (June 9 - July 4 and July 7 - August 1) or the entire summer.
What time does the first period begin and the last period end for Grades K-8?
Campers will begin their day with a Flag raising and check-in at 8:30am, their first activity will begin at 8:45 a.m. Each class will be 45 minutes long with a 10-minute break in between classes. Campers will conclude their day at 3:00 p.m. Schedules will be emailed to parents before the start of camp.
How do I pick up my camper at the end of the day?
There are two options for campers after camp ends, they can go to carline for pickup or participate in PM care. PM carline begins at 3:00pm in front of HIllel for grades K-8 and in front of the ELC for children in the Lower Division. PM Care begins at 3:15. All parents must pick up their children by 6pm. Parents will receive a name card to be placed in their window or to be brought into the building at pick and be required to complete a pickup list of authorized persons who may pick up their children.
Can I add weeks to my child’s summer camp?
If your child would like to add more weeks of fun to their schedule, click here or please contact the registrar at admissions@hillelacademytampa.com with any questions.
Camp Groups
How do we determine which camp group a child is placed in for camp?
Our goal is to create a rewarding and educational camp experience. We suggest placing your camper in the age group where he/she will feel comfortable and will be able to share the same experience with campers in that age group. Camp groups are based on the grade/class your child is entering as of 9/1/25.
What if a camp reaches capacity?
If a camp reaches capacity, potential campers will be put on a “camp waitlist.”
When will I know the status of the waitlist?
As soon as a spot becomes available, if a camper withdraws or makes a schedule adjustment, the next camper on the waitlist will be given the option to enroll in the camp. We will notify you if this should happen.
How does my Rising 2nd - 5th Grader camper choose their clubs?
By the wednesay prior to a new camp week, children will choose a STEAM-based club and create their own morning schedules for the week. Parents will be sent the options for the week in advance to go over with their campers. All clubs will be focused on interactive STEAM activities loaded with hands-on science, technology, engineering, art, language, sports and math projects giving children the opportunity to explore, experiment, and make life-long friendships! Please note that campers must sign up for clubs by the Wednesday prior to that camp week or they will be automatically assigned.
Water Play
What happens during water play?
Age-appropriate water activities including inflatable slides. Our youngest campers will have their own water play experience and will be available for daily fun! Campers should bring bathing suits, towels, and sunscreen each day.
K-5 the Weekly Swim
On Wednesdays, the k/1 and the 2nd-5th will go to the Carrollwood Country Club to Swim. Each class gets an hour each. They should bring a labeled bag with a labeled towel, a change of clothes, and sunscreen. if your child is still learning to swim, please provide a swim vest that clips to ensure your child is safe in the water.
What to Pack
What will my child need to bring to camp with them each day?
Each child should dress in comfortable gym clothes and sneakers (no flip-flops please). Please pack plenty of water, a disposable kosher-style lunch, a bathing suit and towel (flip flops are ok to pack for water play), and sunscreen. Please make sure to label all items (clothes, shoes, towels, etc) that are brought to camp. A plastic bag is suggested for wet items such as a bathing suit. ELC parents will receive a checklist in their parent packet.
Will my camper have a classroom where they may place their belongings?
Campers in ELC thru 1st grade will have assigned classrooms for their belongings. All other campers will need to carry their belongings (with the exception of lunch which will be stored in an air-conditioned building) with them throughout the day.
Can my camper bring electronics or toys to camp?
We ask that all electronics and toys be left at home. We have many toys and games for children of all ages to play with. If your child does bring these items to camp, Hillel or its staff are not responsible for the loss or theft of these items.
Will my child eat lunch at camp? Will it be provided?
All campers will eat between 11:30 - 2 pm in the lunch pavilion. Parents should bring a kosher-style, healthy lunch in a lunchbox that will be kept in the classroom. An ice pack should be included to keep items cool until lunchtime. Pizza, sandwiches, and other cold lunch items can be purchased for an additional cost. You will receive a sign-up sheet in your parent packet after registration.
Can I visit my camper during the day?
Yes. Arrangements must be made in advance, please check in with the Camp office (ELC or Upper Division) to receive your visitor badge.
Does my child need to attend Hillel Academy to go to Adventure Camp?
Adventure Camp is open to the community, you do not have to be enrolled in Hillel Academy to attend camp.
Why should my child attend a Jewish summer camp?
At Hillel, children of all faiths are embraced. Hillel proudly teaches Jewish values — such as charity, kindness, and repairing the world. In addition, children celebrate Jewish and Israeli culture through food, song, and story.
Parent Manual
Complete Adventure Camp policies and procedures are available here. Hard copies are also available upon request.
Adventure Camp at Hillel Academy Tampa is inclusive to all campers, including those with mild cognitive disabilities. Children with special needs experience all Adventure Camp activities and events. All staff are trained on inclusive behavior practices; special inclusion counselors are also on site.
Important Camp Dates
Sunday, June 8: Camp Open House 2:30 pm- 4:00 pm “Meet your Counselors & Summer Camp Staff”
Monday, June 9: Camp Begins
Friday, August 1: Camp Ends
Friday, July 4 (Independence Day): Camp Closed